Reflections on EE

  • Notes on History EE

    • Make sure to critically examine your sources.
    • Use primary sources extensively in your EE.
    • image
  • Evaluation criteria for choosing a theme

    • The theme should have a sufficient number of sources.
    • It should be related to your thoughts on computers.
  • Notes on World Studies EE

    • This website provides a good overview:

    • Choose a topic with global significance.

      • Focus on social issues.
      • Use an example from a specific region to illustrate a global problem.
      • It should have a TOK-like aspect of moving from concrete to abstract.
    • Choose two IB subject areas.

      • One of them must be a subject you are studying.
        • History, Physics, or Chemistry, perhaps.
      • The other can be ITGS or Information Technology.
    • Why Local manifestations

      • • It may illustrate a local manifestation of the issues of global importance.
      • • It may offer an opportunity to explore the complexities of the issue in a manageable way.
      • • It may document “best practices” and offer lessons beyond the local focus.
  • Ideas

    • Non-technology-friendly people and calm technology-oriented thinking

Below are logs 2020-10-3 I learned a lot from the teacher’s email, so I took notes.

  • Read books and literature.
  • The topic is just a story.
  • The research question should be more specific and critically examine the story.
    • A good research question connects the topic to the historical context at that time.


  • Still haven’t decided on a research question, it’s getting urgent.
  • What I want to explore is
    • New media/interfaces (History)
      • How did they come into existence?
        • Something influenced their development.
        • For example, art (might be too heavy)
      • The form
  • I was thinking of doing History, but World Studies might be better.


  • First meeting with the teacher.

  • We talked about connecting interfaces with history and doing something.

    • I felt like the teacher understood what I wanted to do, which made me happy.
    • We need to define this.
    • There was also a discussion about how it could be related to Apollo.
  • The teacher told me to make a plan.

    • So I made one.
  • Teacher: Just as there are limitations to experimental equipment in science EE, there are limitations to the time spent reading sources in humanities EE.

  • The teacher is a social studies teacher in the secondary section and has also taught IB English and History in the past.

  • The teacher has done research on the influence of Marxist thought on anthropology in the Soviet Union, which overlaps a lot with Technological Determinism and Cybernetics in the Cold War.

  • The teacher has also done a lot of research on Japanese history.

  • The teacher is also interested in the history of computers as a hobby, which is perfect.

2020-06 Submitted plan Honestly, I’m not confident it will work, but if it seems promising, I’ll delve deeper.

I would like to study the effect of historical ideologies on the development of science and technology. I think this would be I haven’t decided what ideology/science I would write about, but I have a few ideas.

Possible Ideologies:

  • Socialism (Marxism / Stalinism)
  • Dialectical materialism (might be too philosophical)
  • Imperialism
  • Liberalism

Possible Science events/fields

  • Space Exploration of the Soviet Union from 19XX to 19XX
  • Development of physics in the Soviet Union from 19XX to 19XX
  • Apollo Project
  • ARPANET (ancestor of the internet)

RQ: To what extent did {ideology} affected {particular field or event of science} in {year}.