• I was thinking about what Well-being and Happiness are during the process of brainstorming for the TOKYO MIDTOWN AWARD.

  • In that process, I came up with an interpretation (hypothesis) of “happiness”.

  • Happiness is like a collection where the evaluation axes that one believes in at that time are weighted.

    • Rough example: For a student, the collection of evaluation axes such as “grades,” “relationships,” and “game scores” is “happiness.”
    • My recent example: “New experiences,” “interesting thoughts,” “relationships,” etc.
  • We often equate our current axes with happiness, but they can change and be replaced freely.

    • If there is an appropriate trigger, our perspectives can change.
    • It is more beneficial for maximizing happiness to not believe that our current values of happiness are absolute.
      • If we can effectively change our axes, we can eliminate inconvenient ones.
  • In that sense, does the axis of “having many new axes” emerge, leading to Living in a Way that Clears the Fog of the World?

  • It might be easier to understand if I call this not evaluation axes but functions and parameters.

      • (Rough formula, conveying the idea)