I want to organize the words related to the philosophy of existence and knowledge in my mind.

  • I want to create a mental map of this field, clarifying the relationships between concepts and different perspectives. Here is a link to a tweet where I mention my desire to create a “brain map.”

    • Currently, I haven’t made much progress on it.
  • I also want to confirm the English equivalents.

  • @blu3mo: For now, I feel like I have a basic understanding (like the four cardinal directions), so I think if I continue to learn from areas that interest me, the map of connections will eventually become visible. https://t.co/XmiXY6wfLQ

    • It seems difficult and not very meaningful to understand the connections without deeply understanding the content. So, it seems better to delve deep into areas that interest me.
      • If I continue without rushing, the map will gradually become clear.
      • Specifically, for now, I want to deepen my knowledge of phenomenology (blu3mo).
        • Even just understanding this seems to have some significance in grasping the cardinal directions.

  • Concepts I’m wondering about:

  • Map:

    • image
    • This way of understanding the spectrum seems to make sense, right?
  • Root:

    • https://gentosha-go.com/articles/-/34048
      • Classical categorization
      • ①Epistemology: Concerned with the “knowledge” of the world and the things that exist in it.

      • ②Ontology: Concerned with the “essence” of the world and the things that exist in it.

      • ③Ethics: Concerned with the proper way for humans to live and the correct way to do things.

    • Epistemology
      • Epistemology is the study of the origin, structure, scope, and methods of knowledge and cognition. It asks how humans can correctly understand the world beyond themselves. The topics include “How can people know things correctly?”, “How do people develop mistaken beliefs about things?”, and “Are there areas that are unknowable to humans, and if so, how do they exist?” It seems to be related to cognitive science in terms of its goals (blu3mo).

      • Depending on whether the emphasis is on the subject or the object of cognition, it can be divided into Conceptualism (the position that conceptual or mental things exist independently of the external world) and Realism (the position that there are things corresponding to concepts and ideas that exist in themselves).

        • It seems that this is a bit different.
          • Realism should be placed in either epistemology or ontology.
      • Conceptualism vs Realism
        • Conceptualism en:Idealism
          • In a narrow sense, conceptualism in epistemology denies the existence of external things independent of perceptual representation and only allows for the existence of things as mental representations. George Berkeley’s thought (1685-1753) that “to exist is to be perceived” is a typical example.

            • I quite like this way of thinking (blu3mo).
          • Conceptualism can lead to solipsism, but one refined way of thinking that addresses this is phenomenology. https://imidas.jp/genre/detail/L-101-0035.html

            • Solipsism
              • Like “I think, therefore I am.”
              • It seems to be one of the methods of conceptualism (blu3mo).
            • Why is it written in a negative way, like “can lead to”?
  • If you keep digging there indefinitely, will it lead to There is Resignation in Philosophy?

  • Ontology

    • Ontology (German: Ontologie, French: Ontologie, English: ontology) is not about the individual properties of various existing things (beings), but rather about the investigation and determination of what is common to all beings or the fundamental and universal principles that they possess.
    • Existence
    • It seems to be a study of something that is commonly recognized.
    • Metaphysics
      • Ontology Metaphysics or ontology = metaphysics.
      • The definition of this seems quite ambiguous.
    • Ontological Existentialism
      • It seems to have developed more towards existentialism.
  • Miscellaneous

    • Idealism (en: ambiguous)
      • It has two meanings.
        • Spiritualism as a position in ontology.
        • Idealism as a position in epistemology = Phenomenology.
      • I don’t even understand the difference between epistemology and ontology.
  • After writing, I want to post it on /villagepump and /arpla to confirm any misunderstandings.