• On 2023/3/8, when I tried to use the boost feature while going to the beauty salon, it didn’t work.
    • It was the first time I used it since I received it from (tkgshn) and returned home.
    • That was quick, haha. (tkgshn)(tkgshn)(tkgshn)
  • Possible cause:
    • I lifted the tires to fit them into the bike rack at the parking lot, and moved them dynamically.
      • I accidentally bumped into some things around.
      • However, I don’t think I made any movements that could break it..?
  • On 2023/4/15, I conducted some tests:
    • Pressed the right button while biking.
      • —> Nothing happens.
    • Enabled the “Change the Motor Assistance Level while moving” setting, pressed the right button while moving.
      • —> The assistance level changes. The button is working fine, but the motor is not.
    • image
      • The cables are properly connected.
    • I will take it for repairs next week.