• drinami and such.

  • https://www.keisu.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/keisu_guidance_20190419.pdf

    • Looks interesting.

    • Q: How is the mathematics and information studied in the Department of Mathematical Engineering different from that in the Department of Mathematics or the Department of Information Science in the Faculty of Science?

    • A: In the Faculty of Science, the pursuit of truth is paramount. In the Department of Mathematical Engineering, whether it’s mathematics or information, we certainly pursue truth, but at the same time, we place great importance on the engineering aspect of applying it to real-world problems. Even among the fundamental subjects that focus on theory, education is conducted to cultivate a sense of reality and physicality.

    • Q: So how is it different from the Department of Mechanical and Information Engineering or the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering in the same Faculty of Engineering?

    • A: Mechanical information engineering deals with mechanical engineering, while electronic information engineering deals with electronic engineering, both in the field of information engineering. They primarily train researchers and engineers in the fields of mechanical engineering and electrical and electronic engineering, respectively. On the other hand, mathematical engineering focuses on interdisciplinary fundamental engineering. In other words, it aims to cultivate individuals who can excel beyond specific fields or explore entirely new fields.

  • Is it called Mathematical Engineering or Information Physics in English when combining Measurement Engineering and Mathematical Engineering?

    • In English, it would be called Mechanical Engineering and Information Physics.
      • This is easier to understand because it doesn’t include historical context.
  • For now, I need to deepen my understanding before I can write about it.

  • The goal of Systems and Information Science is to connect the physical world and the information world through “recognition and action.”

  • “Recognition” refers to the extraction of knowledge-level information based on the processing and analysis of elemental information collected (measured) from the physical world, projecting the physical world into the information world.

  • On the other hand, “action” involves synthesis and prediction based on models of the physical world obtained through recognition, and it is the process of working (controlling) on the target to achieve a goal.

  • In this major, we aim to pursue new theories and algorithms for all steps of “recognition” and “action,” and based on this, we strive to realize systems with new functionalities.

  • The research fields are diverse, and currently, research focusing on the following keywords is being actively conducted.
