• Human communication heavily relies on eye contact among individuals.

  • Additionally, Ishii et al. developed a system called ClearBoard that allows not only gestures but also the overlay of the face of a remote interlocutor on a shared screen. By refining the filming techniques, this system effectively conveys eye contact towards the drawing screen and the interlocutors, enabling a more accurate understanding and recognition of the interlocutors’ intentions. Ishii et al. coined the term “gaze awareness” to describe this awareness of eye contact.

    • Gaze awareness transcending space has been achieved.
    • What are the barriers to interaction like gaze awareness transcending time?
  • It is important to understand that in order to develop systems that support communication, one must have a good understanding of the individuals being supported. Without understanding people’s everyday behavioral patterns, designing effective support systems becomes challenging. Therefore, analysis and evaluation should not be neglected. One commonly cited ideal method involves gradually improving a system through a cycle of experimentation, observation, analysis, evaluation, and system prototyping and development.

    • Oh, that’s true, isn’t it? (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
    • It’s too complex to come up with mere theoretical discussions.
  • It should be noted that merely exchanging video and audio is not sufficient to create an effective system. It is crucial to always be mindful of integrating physical resources in communication, such as eye contact, gestures, and various bodily movements, into the system. Reiterating, in future system development, analysis and evaluation should not be overlooked. It is believed that a balanced progress between technological and analytical research is essential for developing highly effective systems and leaving meaningful insights for other studies. A manifesto for ten years from now may focus not on system development but on the elucidation of the mechanism of multi-person dialogue through media.