• Let’s try it without checking the format or anything for now.

  • 2/9 16:00~18:00

  • Since typing definitely increases speed, let’s practice keeping the number of characters to a suitable amount for now.

    • Around 1400 in total?
    • Practice for time allocation can be done later.
  • Answer

  • Thoughts after solving it

    • I’m not sure if I interpreted the interpretation of factors correctly in the math part.
    • It’s a bit worrisome because I can’t use the same way of thinking as when I take notes on paper.
    • Basically, it’s about brainstorming the tasks and coming up with solutions.
    • It seems important not to overthink things.
      • Time will run out.
    • Q2
      • Since the definition of “absurdity” is given, I thought I had to connect the logic to it.
      • But in the end, the evaluation ends up being quite subjective, so I wonder what to do.
      • If I keep thinking about such things, I’ll run out of time, so I gradually became more careless.
      • I want to know what the correct move was.
    • Q3
      • I didn’t know what exactly I had to do to fulfill the requirement of “quantitative”.
  • Watching the explanation

  • Reflection

    • I didn’t measure the time accurately because I didn’t concentrate properly, so I don’t know for sure, but if you do something wrong, time will run out.
      • I want to solve it with conscious pace allocation.