Bluemo (@blu3mo):

In a distant future where super-duper computers have become faster, it seems like it would be faster to just keep generating random numbers and waiting for the correct answer, rather than thinking about algorithms or writing programs. Is there a world like that? (?)

  • The ultimate programming for the wealthy.

  • When there is a problem with XX, just write a program to determine the correctness of that problem.

    • Then, randomly generate programs and try them out until you eventually arrive at a program that gives the answer. That’s the idea.
      • With the current computers, the “eventually” would be infinitely far away, but in a future where the speed of computation has evolved into a super-miracle-great level, would it be possible? Just a wild imagination.
      • If Moore’s Law continues to hold, it might be possible to estimate when it would become achievable.
  • The good thing about this is that the cost for programmers to solve any problem is extremely low.

    • (It’s not a serious idea to discuss the good points seriously, though, haha)
  • I’m saying this with only a vague understanding of computer science, but I wonder how practical this idea actually is.

    • For example, how many trials would be needed to solve “AtCoder problems with a randomly generated program”?
    • And what about “generating UIs randomly and displaying the best one”?