• 空間除菌 and such.

  • I know that things like this are rejected as pseudoscience.

    • I also think it’s fake.
    • But ultimately, the only basis for that is “because credible people say so.”
      • People who believe in space disinfection and such are fundamentally no different.
    • I don’t have enough expertise to explain why space disinfection is wrong.
    • Occasionally, I see explanations like “why space disinfection is fake,” and I think, “Ah, I see,” but I don’t have enough expertise to determine the truth of those explanations either.
  • There’s also this (tkgshn).

  • (/emoji/twitter) I think Scientific Literacy is not the ability to magically determine the truth or falsehood of things, but rather the ability to learn from the history of science’s successes and failures, make judgments oneself, learn from failures, and make better judgments about what to doubt and what to trust. / So, is scientific literacy essentially authoritarianism? So, is scientific literacy essentially authoritarianism?

  • @[nasakawa] May 17, 2021

  • Therefore, even if experts are arguing about the details of vaccines, I honestly don’t know which side is right.

    • (I thought of this while reading about inactivated vaccines.)