Summary: A study on the sense of self-attribution of distorted reaching movements in virtual reality (VR). The study explores the interaction between VR and sensor motor control. Interesting point: Investigating how the distortion of movements in VR affects self-perception may improve the quality of VR experiences. Alternative strategies: Conducting similar studies on other types of movements or sensations, such as vision or hearing, can provide a broader understanding. Critical analysis: While this study focuses on specific movements in VR, considering other elements such as visual and auditory aspects is necessary to fully understand the VR experience. Question: How can the results of this study contribute to the development and improvement of VR technology?

Summary: A project to create a vector database for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The data will be obtained through web scraping. Interesting point: Structuring and providing philosophy knowledge in a searchable format may facilitate learning and research in philosophy. Alternative strategies: Incorporating other philosophical resources, such as papers and books, into the database can offer a wider range of information. Critical analysis: This project may face copyright issues, and the method of data acquisition (web scraping) may affect data quality and completeness. Question: How can this database be useful for learning and research in philosophy?

Summary: An introductory book on Jendrassik’s philosophy, focusing on the concept of time. Interesting point: Jendrassik’s philosophy provides a unique perspective by connecting clinical psychology and philosophy. Alternative strategies: Exploring theories on time by other philosophers can provide a broader understanding of the concept. Critical analysis: While this book focuses on Jendrassik’s philosophy, considering other philosophers’ perspectives can lead to a deeper understanding of the concept of time. Question: How does Jendrassik’s theory of time impact our perception of time?

Summary: Income and expenditure plan for the fall of 2023. It provides detailed descriptions of the current balance and expected income and expenses. Interesting point: Describing specific amounts and plans can improve transparency and efficiency in financial management. Alternative strategies: Using tools or apps to predict future income and expenses can help create more accurate plans. Critical analysis: This plan is based on specific amounts, but there should be room to consider unexpected expenses or income fluctuations. Question: How is this plan created and updated?

Summary: A page about the writing logic of omoikane-blu3mo. The author mentions starting with existing logic and wanting to experiment with different approaches. Interesting point: Improving the writing logic can potentially enhance information organization and searchability. Alternative strategies: Trying out different writing logics or algorithms can help find the optimal approach. Critical analysis: While this page discusses writing logic, it doesn’t provide detailed explanations of specific methods or procedures. Question: How does this writing logic contribute to information organization and searchability?Titles:

  1. Self-Attribution of Distorted Reaching Movements in Immersive Virtual Reality
  2. Creating a Vector Database for Omni, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  3. The Concept of Time in Introduction to Gendlin’s Philosophy
  4. Income and Expense Plan for Fall 2023
  5. Gendlin
  6. Writing Logic for omoikane-blu3mo
  7. Group Navigation for Guided Tours in Distributed Virtual Environments
  8. Language G
  9. PHILUN3601 Metaphysics
  10. Vector Database
  11. October 2023
  12. Trying omoikane
  13. Agents - Liquid City
  14. AR-Based Spatiotemporal Interface and Visualization for Physical Tasks
  15. Curious Lab List
  16. Two-Dimensional Temporal Environment

Number of Updated Pages: 17