from Tokyo University 1S Modern and Law Protocol Abstracting Laws of Multiple Countries

As a simple question, how do we share concepts when discussing/agreeing on laws in multiple countries? (blu3mo)

  • I think the concept of “corporation” is defined in the laws of each country, but how do we share that?
    • For software, we would prepare an abstracted protocol, but I wonder if they do something similar.
  • It seems like they reach an agreement on the ambiguous concept of “company” (the definition of a company depends on each country).
    • In reality, it doesn’t work well and problems arise.
    • Oh no! (blu3mo)
      • Are they not smart? (?)
  • When I asked a senior in the Horu Seminar, it seems there is something called the Hague Conference on Private International Law.
    • The HCCH develops these Conventions and instruments to provide those whose lives and

    • activities cross the borders between different legal systems with a high degree of legal

    • certainty and predictability.

      • I see, this is exactly it.