(public) There is a specialization in the methods of processing information. As the essential message of IB, it seems that “expertise includes not only knowledge but also abilities (methods)” (specialization also applies to methodology). It is not just the information itself that has value, but also the expertise in processing the information. In a sense, this also differentiates IB subjects from general subjects (not just knowledge). For example, in IB History, students learn to critically analyze things, while in IB Sciences, they learn to design experiments and write papers. Acquiring knowledge does not automatically make someone an expert (being a quiz champion does not make one a super expert). Reading 10,000 pages of Wikipedia about history does not automatically enable someone to write a history paper; one also needs to develop critical thinking skills and learn source analysis methods. I also noticed that the Theory of Knowledge emphasizes this point. It encourages thinking about different methodologies for each Area of Knowledge (AOK) and Ways of Knowing (WOK). The fact that AOK and WOK (knowledge and processing methods) are classified separately also seems to imply this. Realizing this, I once again understand that TOK is a core part of the IB curriculum. The Ways course at Stanford University, which focuses on Ways of Thinking, seems to have similar ideas. In fact, the name itself is almost synonymous with WOK.