The provided markdown document contains information about a tool called Scrapbox-Duplicator and its usage. The tool is designed to work with [Deno] and can be scheduled to run on platforms like [Heroku]. It functions by transferring only the pages whose titles include [public.icon].

It was created for the purpose of “Operating Scrapbox to Mirror Everything Except Some Parts”.

As there is no guarantee that it will work perfectly, users are advised to use it at their own risk. It is recommended to take backups before using it to prevent any accidents.

The tool runs only once every few hours, so using it together with an [Extension script for page redirection] allows for immediate redirection when needed.

References that were consulted include:

By combining [Calling Scrapbox’s export API with GAS] and [Importing to Scrapbox with Puppeteer], and processing the JSON data, the tool can be utilized effectively.

Issues to be aware of include the fact that when a page’s name is changed, it may not be reflected and instead be loaded as a new page. Solutions like using scrapbox-sync or periodically resetting all pages can help mitigate this issue, although there may still be problems with broken links on pages that have been linked to in the past.

Concerns were raised regarding the functionality of [Heroku], prompting adjustments to be made to address any issues.

In a memo dated 20231113, it was noted that due to changes in Scrapbox’s specifications, imports would fail if illegal titles were included. Observations were made to identify and rectify what constituted an illegal title, such as titles ending with .icon, starting with https://, or containing []. Fixing these issues resolved the problem, although it became impossible to reproduce the error with the current version of Scrapbox.

There was also a mention of an error occurring with long files, but despite the error message, the import process was still successful. Plans to address this error were mentioned for future improvements.
