Introduction to Solidity

Solidity is a programming language specifically designed for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. If you are new to Solidity and want to get started, you can check out this tutorial: Solidity for Beginners.

The tutorial may seem a bit sketchy, but it provides a good starting point for getting your hands dirty.

In the tutorial, there is a line of code that mentions a variable called taskCount. This variable is a special type known as a “state variable”. When we store data inside this variable, it is written to the storage on the blockchain. This means that the data is permanently stored and can be accessed by the smart contract at any time. Unlike local variables, which are only accessible within functions, state variables have scope throughout the entire smart contract.

By default, the value of taskCount is set to 0. This means that when the smart contract is deployed, taskCount will initially have a value of 0.

So, in summary, Solidity is a programming language used for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. The tutorial provides a good starting point for beginners, and it explains the concept of state variables, which store data on the blockchain.