• What position? 【Who is David Hume】An easy-to-understand explanation from philosophical characteristics to representative works|Liberal Arts Guide

  • Thorough skepticism

    • However, there is also an interpretation that it is not just that (blu3mo)
      • In this way, the position that emphasizes the natural tendency of human nature to the extent that it overcomes even skepticism in Hume is called a “naturalistic” interpretation.

  • When his death was imminent in 1776, he tried to entrust the publication of the unpublished “Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion” to Adam Smith, but Smith showed reluctance because the dialogues included criticism of the then influential proofs of God’s existence, and ultimately it was bequeathed to his nephew.

  • His wish was fulfilled, and “Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion” was published in 1779 after Hume’s death. Smith looks back on the late Hume as follows:

  • What is consistent in such works is that Hume aims for thorough secularization not only in political economy but also in morality, seeking to find a basis in human beings themselves instead of religion or God.

    • Exploration of human nature
  • A person of British Empiricism