
  • I am too ignorant about philosophical terms.

  • So, for now, I think I’ll grasp the overall picture with this and then read more specialized books on epistemology and metaphysics.

  • I will write down some light notes below, and if it becomes too bulky, I will create another page.

    • Since I really don’t know anything, I think there are many mistakes and strange points in the notes below (disclaimer).
  • Relativism (Humans are the measure of all things)

    • I thought that ethical views, for example, are not only relative to each individual but also relative to time.
      • They are different from last night and from myself in five years.
    • I think I have a strong inclination towards relativism within myself.
    • Criticism of relativism
      • “No proposition is absolutely true.”

      • Then, isn’t the statement above also not absolutely true? It’s a self-contradiction.
  • Unity of Knowledge and Virtue

    • I wondered what virtue is, but I thought it means “something that leads to Happiness” and defined it as such.
    • Is it about acquiring knowledge about something that makes me feel happy?
      • But does Socrates consider goodness as something universal?
    • If we consider the unity of knowledge and virtue based on relativism, it might lead to the kind of thinking mentioned above.
  • Arete

  • Idea

    • “The Idea of Good is the highest Idea.”
    • What is the highest Idea? (Highest in terms of what criteria?)
    • Plato seems to have regarded Ideas as absolute (unchanging), but I feel like Ideas are just “definitions” that humans possess.
      • If that’s the case, it also changes the idea that there exists an absolute good (Idea of Good).
  • Mind-body dualism

    • The idea of separating the mind (self) from the body.
    • This can be extended quite a bit with modern technology.
      • Self <- written here

In modern times, British Empiricism vs Continental Rationalism

There is a sequel, so please give it a read! (takker)

  • It covers Chinese and Japanese philosophy, analytical philosophy, and other topics.
  • I read it briefly at the library 🙌(blu3mo)I also recommend reading “Ethics” by Tokyo Shoseki to deepen your understanding! (takker)
  • I also recommend “Glossary of Ethics Terms”! (blu3mo)