• 11 years ago, my studying for the end-of-term exams was really terrible, and I deeply regret it.

    • It included studying for the final exams and writing a TOK essay.
  • Possible causes:

    • I had just given a presentation for an “Untrodden” project, which made me complacent.
    • I got caught up in playing video games.
    • I was escaping from the reality of becoming a master in “Untrodden” or computer science.
    • I didn’t use the Pomodoro technique (taking regular breaks), which led to boredom.
    • The previous time I wrote a TOK essay, I stayed up until 5 AM and finished it, and I got a good grade. This success experience had a negative effect on me.
      • In the end, I couldn’t finish writing the 1200-word essay by the 8 PM deadline, so I failed.
    • The end-of-term exams had similar issues:
      • I should have realized that the content had expanded since 10 years ago.
      • The number of class periods had increased as well.
    • I think past success experiences are the strongest factor.
      • In that sense, since I failed this time, I hope for improvement.