• Pitfalls
    • Forgetting to set up a webhook
    • Forgetting to turn on the webhook


  • @kyoya0819

    • This is just my personal opinion, but if you don’t have a specific goal (like “I want to work in a certain field of a certain occupation”), and you simply want to do programming because you enjoy it, it’s highly recommended.

    • There are plenty of resources for learning, including Japanese documentation, and you can start with small projects and gradually work your way up to larger ones.

  • @キンジョウ

    • From a beginner’s perspective, it’s highly recommended.

  • (blu3mo) looks good

  • https://qiita.com/n0bisuke/items/ceaa09ef8898bee8369d#line-bot

    • It’s well organized with usage examples and learning materials.
  • I imagined something grand like the iOS App Store, but it’s just an API.

    • Well, that’s not a problem.
    • Webhook
