Hair Styling


  • Instructions received:
    • Bangs:

      • Lift the center section up and let the sides hang down.
      • Similar to creating a triangular shape at the crown of the head (blu3mo).
    • Blow dryer:

    • Applying wax:

      • First, lift the hair all over.
        • If there are any loose ends, it means that there is not enough wax applied there.
      • Then, bring the hair down all over.
        • Rub the hair while doing this.
      • After that, lift some sections of the bangs and crown of the head.
      • For the back of the head, lift above the ears and let it hang below the ears.


  • Got a perm at LIPPS Harajuku.
  • Instructions received:
    • Premise:
      • If you prefer a stronger perm, it’s better to have slightly damp hair.
        • Don’t use a blow dryer, just towel dry until the hair is mostly dry, and then style it.
        • At this time, use wax with a glossy finish or it won’t blend well.
      • Styling with dry hair will result in a weaker perm.
    • Back section:
      • Lift from the bottom and hold tightly.
    • Front section:
      • Twist and lift repeatedly.
        • Start from the center and move towards the sides.
      • Then, use your fingers to scrunch and shape the perm, drawing an S-shape from the crown towards the outer side.
    • Points to note:
      • Bangs should flow from right to left.
        • But it’s not a big deal if it doesn’t.
      • Imagine a triangular shape.
        • Flatten the sides, especially the right side which tends to expand.
      • The most important thing is to have an even distribution of wax.