• Lecture on Database by the master of information science
  • Query Processing in Relational Databases
    • SQL: Standardized query language for Relational Databases
      • All databases comply with SQL (more or less)
    • Relational Algebra
      • Defines operations
        • Join
        • Selection, projection
        • Set operations: union, intersection, subtraction
      • Why represented as Algebra?
        • By using algebraic commutative and associative laws, more efficient operations can be found through equivalent operations
      • SQL and others follow this as well
  • Query optimization
    • Speeding up references: Constructing data that can be reused by multiple references
      • Materialized views (like cache)
      • Opposite to “Normalization” in Data Model
    • Speeding up the overall process:
      • Depends on the use case
      • If there are many update operations, decompose tables; if there are many reference operations, join tables
    • Different approach in the cloud
      • Consider IO cost, CPU cost, SLA, etc.
    • How to actually optimize