• Somehow, I’m starting to feel like there’s not much reason not to take a leave of absence to do whatever I want.

    • I can’t think of any downsides to delaying graduation for a year and placing the dots in weird places in terms of “connecting the dots” meaning.
  • What to do?

  • First, let’s list the possibilities:

    • Work as a Software Engineer
    • Work as a Design Engineer
    • Do research
      • For example, taking a year off to work in a Japanese research lab, is that possible?
      • Somehow, if I were to do this, I feel like I should just quickly graduate from university and go to graduate school (blu3mo).
      • Intern at a private company doing research?
    • Start a business
      • Like with the MITOU Advanced program
      • Ultimately, if I want to do research, is there a way to do it in a way that connects to that context?
        • Compared to the reverse order (doing research, producing results, then commercializing it), even if I try to start a business with what I currently have, it seems kind of pointless.
    • Travel Japan
      • Is it possible to do this while doing something else?
    • Travel the world
      • Hmm, I’m not very motivated by traveling just for the sake of it.
        • Enjoying the serendipity that comes passively, I felt satisfied for now with Europe Trip Spring 2023.
        • Going with knowledge of the language and context, or meeting someone, or going with some purpose or a new perspective is motivating.
          • But, a year seems unnecessary.
        • Watching people traveling in Central Asia sparks my interest, but I probably don’t have the ability to find it as interesting as they do.
          • If I don’t even know the basics of the language, I might just end up thinking “that’s different” when seeing something different.
        • Instead of traveling for a year, there might even be more stimulation in just doing research or studying what I want to do.
          • There might even be a desire to deliberately seek a life without stimulation.
        • I remember reading something like that in a note by 辺境.
    • Live in another country
      • Are there countries where you can live casually without a student visa or job?
        • Maybe find a job as a sushi chef? (??)
    • Practice
    • Do nothing
      • This is also an option (blu3mo).
      • At least not deciding to do something for a year.
    • Go mountain climbing or engage in outdoor activities
  • Thoughts

    • I’m thinking that it might not make much sense to preemptively do things that I’m likely to do after graduating from university.
      • Software Engineering is a prime example.
        • There isn’t much motivation to do it for reasons other than making money.
      • This also applies to research, for example.
    • It’s a problem awareness close to Even if You Only Do HCI Research Expanding Technologies Already Implemented for Consumers, It Seems That You Will Not Reach Your Goal.
      • The narrowness of what I can currently do/see.
      • It seems better to expand this in a unique direction for specialization and differentiation, a strategic motivation.
        • It’s not just about doing something unique, so I want to think about what I seek through “differentiation.”
      • Curiosity about how life could be more interesting if expanded in a unique direction.
    • I just want to raise money in a normal way.