• What I want in a todo app#task

    • Intuitive understanding of remaining days

    • Easy to add tasks

    • Simplicity

    • Kanban (if available)

    • Pomodoro

  • What I don’t want

    • Collaboration with multiple people
    • Comments
    • Tagging
  • Trello/Asana-like apps

    • All of them have too many features
    • Difficult to understand remaining days intuitively
  • Toggl

    • Almost perfect
    • Slightly complex?
    • Issue: Pomodoro is not clear
  • Todoist

    • Doesn’t have Kanban
      • It seems it will be added soon
    • UI is simple
      • Feels a deep attention to detail, easy to use
    • Pomodoro
      • Can be done by integrating with PomoDone
    • So, I decided on Todoist.