• During the Edo period, commerce gradually gained power and influence.

  • Ishida Baigan:

    • He believed that it was acceptable for merchants to make a profit.
    • However, he emphasized the importance of conducting clean business practices.
    • He did not reject the social class system.
      • The concept of “Chisoku Anbun” encouraged people to be content with their own social status and not to desire too much.
  • Ando Shokai:

    • He idealized the natural world where everyone would engage in agriculture.
    • He secretly criticized the samurai class for not doing anything productive.
      • He cleverly criticized them as “Fukou Donshoku no To” (those who do not cultivate and are greedy).
  • Ninomiya Sontoku:

    • He believed that agriculture relied on both the laws of nature and human effort.
      • He emphasized being grateful for the blessings of nature while also addressing the disadvantages through human effort.
    • He promoted the “Houtoku Shisou” (philosophy of gratitude and virtue).
      • This philosophy emphasized gratitude towards ancestors and nature.