Proposal by (masui) From the perspective of Helpfeel ExpandHelp-paper

  • I thought Scrapbox papers are great.

    • Is this project created by takker?
  • I thought it’s very professor-like of (masui).

  • To summarize roughly,

    • ① By generating mechanical variations, there are many generated strings.
    • ② Through fuzzy search, there are many strings that can be picked up during searching.
      • Or rather, a wide range of strings.
    • The combination of “generating abundance” and “searching abundance” makes it easier to reach the answer.
    • And there is an algorithm that can do this in a realistic computational complexity.
    • That’s the general idea.
  • In the case of widely popular things (such as OS help), it seems that the problem can be solved to some extent even without expandable help.

    • “Generating abundance” is achieved through the abundance of websites.
      • (Example: There are many pages explaining how to adjust the date on a Mac.)
    • “Searching abundance” is achieved through the magic of [Google search].
  • It feels like it enables the same kind of experience for any question about anything.