• https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jssej/26/1/26_KJ00003721431/_pdf

  • Situated Learning

    • Learning is the process of participating in a community.
    • The developmental process of a constantly changing community creates “emergent learning”.
    • The problem with schools is that they do not change.
    • The purpose of this research is to reconstruct that.
  • By using “question-answer cards”, the activity of artworks changes from “submission” to “peer review”.

    • By allowing questions, it becomes an interaction with classmates rather than something to be submitted to the teacher.
    • Shared ownership.
  • The notes of kineto

    • Originally intended for personal use, they have become something for interaction with classmates.
    • It is worth considering what should be considered “shared ownership”.
    • How does this fit into Situated Learning?