• As of February 2022,
    • I am managing two pages: My Bookshelf and My Video Work Shelf.
    • I’m not entirely satisfied with them.
      • My reading backlog has become too long.
        • Well, I guess that’s okay.
      • It’s tedious to record every book I’ve read.
        • Is it annoying to have a binary status of “read” or “unread” for each book?
          • I feel uncomfortable not knowing what to do with books I’ve only partially read.
        • It’s easy to tell if a book has been read or not, so maybe I should just manage them based on whether I’ve bought them or not.
          • Oh, but Netflix-related content is more complicated.
          • Maybe it’s enough to track if I’ve started reading or watching something.
        • Actually, if a page turns blue after I’ve read it, there’s no need to manage “read” or “unread” status.
        • Why do I even want to list the books I’ve read in one place?
          • I used to do it because I thought I might need to check the books I’ve read before, but now I don’t think I need it anymore.
            • Maybe it’s useful when recommending books to others.
            • Yeah, that’s still useful.
          • Also, there might be a desire to keep records.
        • In short, I just want to see a list of pages related to “books” without doing anything.
          • It’s tedious to add the hashtag#books to every book page.
          • Well, in that case, it’s probably best to write everything on the shelf page.
            • The problem is that I have to decide where to write when I come up with something.
            • It’s important to have a simple way to divide books into “bought” or “not bought”.
              • But I do want to separate books I’ve finished reading.
              • However, it feels weird to have books I’ve lost interest in mixed with books I haven’t finished reading.
            • Maybe it’s best to divide them into “in queue” (books I want to read now) or “not in queue”.
          • Also, separating them based on media type doesn’t seem as useful as separating them by genre.
            • It would be easier to understand if I divide them into academic and entertainment categories.