The document discusses searching for previous studies on Asymmetric Reality, mainly focusing on 3D/VR environments. It suggests expanding the search to include 2D environments like the Prototype of Asymmetric Reality 2D to explore more possibilities, such as addressing misalignments caused by factors other than physical constraints.

It mentions the work done by PARC around 30 years ago, hinting at potential insights from that era. It also expresses surprise at the lack of certain findings.

The document proposes exploring the concept of cursor collaboration, referencing various studies and tools such as CoShare: a Multi-Pointer Collaborative Screen Sharing Tool, classic tools like “mighty mouse” multi-screen collaboration tool and Single display groupware, as well as modern systems like Lacome and PointRight that involve input redirection. It also mentions a study by Kori Inkpen titled “Swordfish: user-tailored workspaces in multi-display environments.”

Additionally, it highlights some promising survey papers like Cross-Device Taxonomy: Survey, Opportunities and Challenges of Interactions Spanning Across Multiple Devices from 2019 and System Guidelines for Co-located, Collaborative Work on a Tabletop Display from 2003.

Lastly, it suggests specific studies to consider, such as Interfaces for managing applications and input in multi-device environments and Deskotheque: Improved Spatial Awareness in Multi-Display Environments.