• Finding a Solution for Physics 1602 Special Relativity

    • Let’s prioritize this task and allocate all our resources to it for now.
  • 20230228

    • -8pm p1
    • -820pm If dr-doc-search is not finished by now, stop and move on.
    • -11:30
    • -12:00 Read about length contraction and start working on the problems.
      • ✅+1
  • 20230301

    • Leave by 25 minutes past the hour.
      • ✅+1
    • Take a shower and leave by 12:00.
      • ✅+1
      • It’s a risky interpretation, but if I stop the shower at exactly 12:00, it should be fine.
        • I’ll reevaluate this over the weekend.
        • Weekend review: It should be fine (blu3mo).
    • Plan and start working on Q2 by 1:30.
      • ✅+1
      • I did solve a little bit of Q2, but I should have set a stricter definition for “start working on Q2.”
      • Weekend review: That’s true, I should have been more specific (blu3mo).
        • However, it didn’t need to be too strict. It would have been better to set a goal like “go through all the problems.”
    • Finish Q2 by 2:10.
      • ✅+1
    • Check the answers by 2:30, leave the room, and go get the letter.
      • ✅+1
    • Finish Q4 by 4:30.
      • ✅+1
    • Finish Q1 by 5:15.
      • ✅+1
      • It was one minute late, but that’s okay, right?
        • It depends on my judgment over the weekend.
      • Weekend review: One minute is fine, there’s not much reason to reject this (blu3mo).
        • However, if I start allowing 3 or 5 minutes delay from here, it will start to fall apart, so this is the limit.
    • Finish reading pset 1 and 2 by 8:50.
      • Failed, -3
      • I was talking to someone, so it couldn’t be helped (I should have prioritized that).
    • Finish reading pset 2 by 9:35.
      • Failed, -3
      • I’m starting to lose focus.
        • I couldn’t concentrate because I was studying while talking to someone.
        • Also, my estimation was too optimistic.
    • Finish reading pset 2 by 10:40.
      • Failed, -3
      • This was simply a case of underestimation. I thought it would take 15 minutes, but that was the problem.
        • Weekend review: I was tired and not thinking much about the estimation at that time.
  • 20230302

    • -8:30 Understand p1, 2, and 3.
      • +1✅
    • -9:30 Understand momentum energy and start working on p6.
      • +1✅
      • It was more extensive than I thought, so I didn’t finish it, but I achieved the original goal.
    • In any case, the exam is over.
      • Do the AP Quiz. ✅
      • 8:05 Take a bath.
        • +1✅
      • 10:30 Brush my teeth.
        • +1✅
        • I started brushing my teeth at 10:30, so it’s safe.
          • Weekend review: Well, I avoided not brushing my teeth an hour later, so it’s okay (blu3mo).
  • 20230302

    • Shopping
      • Shampoo ✅
      • Tissues ✅
      • Socks
  • 20230304

  • 20230305

    • Wake up and go to the supermarket by 7:05.
      • +1✅
  • Try doing Task management to be evaluated by your future self.

    • I was able to feel the unique sense of urgency before the deadline. It might be quite good (blu3mo).
    • Calculation
      • (+1)*15
      • (-3)*5
      • Total: 0
        • Well, that’s unexpected (blu3mo).