Columbia Dorms

  • An Underappreciated Aspect to Choosing a Dorm : ApplyingToCollege

    • Important aspect (blu3mo)
  • What about incoming freshmen?

    • Carman Hall, Furnald Hall, Hartley Hall, John Jay Hall, and Wallach Hall.

    • image

    • If you want a single room, I think you should apply for Furnald, JohnJay, or Wallach! If you end up like me and choose Carman, you might unfortunately end up in a double room 😭 Furnald is definitely quiet, but the other dorms have parties until late at night and some people blasting music, so be careful when answering that you’re “outgoing” 🥹

    • Order:

      • John Jay
      • Wallach
      • Furnald
      • Carman
      • Hartley
    • Carman

      • Recently renovated, so it’s popular?
      • Known for being a party dorm.
    • Furnald

      • The lounge is a nice social space (blu3mo).
        • However, it might not be exactly what you’re looking for.
      • Has air conditioning.
      • Rooms are relatively spacious.
      • Shared bathrooms.
    • Hartley

      • Has a bad reputation?
      • In the introduction video, they say, “Even if you don’t get into your first-choice dorm, it’s still fun” lol
        • Assuming it’s not popular.
    • John Jay

      • I like the lounge here.
      • Not as social as Carman, but still has a social vibe.
        • Seems to strike a good balance.
        • Has its own room and attached bathroom.
      • However, no air conditioning.
        • It has a heater, so summer might be tough.
        • Feels like it’s for me (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
        • There’s a story about underground tunnels lol
    • Wallach

    • Useful sources (blu3mo)