• Conclusion
    • Purchase a discounted iPad Pro
    • Purchase a powerful MBP
      • Use it as the main PC
      • Carry it when a PC is needed outside
    • Do not replace the smartphone
      • Already spending a significant amount on the above two devices and satisfied with the current smartphone
      • Seems like the smartphone’s usefulness has reached its peak

  • With the release of M1 Pro/Max MacBook Pro, consider which specs to choose

    • Probably go for 2TB storage for ample space if using it as the main PC
    • The lower-end M1 Max processor might be sufficient
      • Considering a potential increase in displays in the future, leaning towards the Max version
      • Oh, can you connect two displays to the Pro as well?
        • In that case, the Pro might suffice
    • Memory is a dilemma; curious about the benefits of upgrading to 64GB
      • Currently not facing any issues with 32GB
      • Saw an explanation that Unified Memory utilizes GPU as well, making 64GB preferable
    • 14-inch size seems suitable
  • Also, need to consider Tax Return for the Fiscal Year 2021

    • Heard about deducting expenses but unsure about the best approach
  • Considering smartphones and PCs, the most viable options currently are

    • M1Max MacBook Pro
      • Primarily for home use, portable for outdoor work
    • iPad Air
    • Pixel 4
      • Content with the current one, no urgent need for an upgrade
      • Dislike iPhones due to the Lightning connector
  • Ended up settling for a safe choice lol

  • Considering replacing the current MacBook as it’s becoming sluggish
    • Also have financial support for this
  • Option 1
    • Purchase a new powerful M1X MacBook and rely solely on it
    • Concerned about the weight, need to check the specs first
    • If a more powerful PC is needed in the future, consider buying a Windows device
  • Option 2
    • Buy a portable MacBook Air for mobility and continue using the current iMac
    • Would have chosen this option initially, but the ability to afford a high-end PC complicates the decision
    • Additionally, the iPad serves well as a lightweight portable device

  • Things You’ll Be in Trouble Without a Mobile Phone are quite limited

    • If these tasks can be accomplished through other means, not having a mobile phone is acceptable (preferred)
    • Unclear on the statement “I don’t want to carry a mobile phone” when it comes to carrying an iPad instead; why is that? (tkgshn)
      • (Perhaps for using the Pencil?)
      • Reasons for not wanting to buy a mobile phone
        • (blu3mo)
          • If the iPad can fulfill most smartphone functions, it makes sense to focus expenses on the iPad
        • Motivation for a Digital Detox (blu3mo)
          • Want to stop reaching for the smartphone in idle moments
          • Less to think about is beneficial
          • Prefer centralized charging management
            • Particularly want to get rid of the Lightning cable
            • Current devices include MacBook, Pixel, and iPad Air 3, with a mix of USB-C and Lightning being cumbersome
        • Using Phone Number Provision Service services for SMS authentication
          • Then, having a Cellular-enabled camera iPad should suffice
  • This issue has a complexity akin to a cubic equation

    • Need to fit devices into the slots for the smartphone, iPad, and PC to find a solution
  • Moreover, the limited number of devices available makes it impossible to find the “ultimate device” solution

  • Possible scenarios

    • No mobile phone & Cellular iPad Air & MacBook Pro
      • Issues
        • Difficult to distinguish usage between iPad Air and MacBook
        • Carrying the iPad for a walk is inconvenient (needed for taking photos or clearing The Mist of the World)
    • No mobile phone & Cellular iPad mini & MacBook Pro
      • Issues- The lack of a keyboard on the iPad mini makes it challenging to use it like a laptop.
    • Perhaps it would be better to use a combination of a laptop and an iPad mini.
    • The mini is not bulky, so it wouldn’t be too much to carry around.
    • [iPad mini is not designed to be used with an external keyboard](https://scrapbox.io/tkgshn-private/iPad miniは外付けでキーボードを使うことを想定していない)(tkgshn)
  • The camera quality is not impressive.

    • It’s fine for taking photos for record-keeping purposes.
    • However, it may not be satisfying for those who enjoy the process of taking photos.
    • Solutions:
      • One solution would be to buy a DSLR camera.
        • But it’s expensive, and I might get bored of it quickly based on past trends.
        • I’d rather buy an iPhone 13 than an expensive camera.
      • A compact digital camera might be a good option.
      • Maybe a smartphone without a SIM card, just for taking photos, could work.
        • I thought about doing this with my current Pixel 4, but I want a wide-angle lens.
          • Using moment lenses seems like a good idea.
          • Well, to keep the phone number, maybe it’s better to have a minimal data plan + continue paying the device fee instead of 50GB.
    • But apart from the lack of an ultra-wide-angle lens, isn’t the iPad Pro the same as the iPad mini?
  • The iPad mini might be too small.

    • It might feel cramped when working on worksheets or solving problems.
  • iPhone 13 mini & Cellular iPad Air & MacBook Pro

    • Issues:
      • Incurs device fees.
      • Incurs data charges.
        • Maybe opt for a minimal data plan for the iPhone, mainly for receiving SMS, and go for a larger iPad Air.
      • Carrying just the iPad still ends up being bulky.
  • Pixel 4 & Cellular iPad (Air/mini) & MacBook Pro

    • This seems like the way to go.
    • Using my current Pixel 4 with a moment lens seems like a good camera setup.
    • This seems to be the most suitable option given my current contract.
    • Can consolidate to USB-C.
    • Phone number remains the same.
    • In that case, the only decision left is iPad mini vs iPad Air.