

  • Explaining Kineto in a chronological manner

  • Effective applications of Virtual Time

  • To achieve both “rich communication among students” and “learning at each student’s own pace,” a new relationship between the timeline of the class has been established.

    • Conventional synchronous classes: Real-time timeline = Timeline of communication among students = Timeline of the class
    • Conventional asynchronous classes: Real-time timeline = Timeline of communication among students ≠ Timeline of the class
    • Classes using Kineto: Real-time timeline ≠ Timeline of communication among students = Timeline of the class
  • Compared to conventional synchronous classes,

    • Kineto can be seen as separating the timeline of communication among students from the real-time timeline.
  • Compared to conventional asynchronous classes,

    • Kineto can be seen as connecting the timeline of communication among students to the timeline of the class.
  • Pseudo-Synchronization: The feeling of synchronizing with people from the past who are not actually synchronized, like in NicoNico or Kineto.

    • Previously, the timeline of communication was linked to the physical timeline.
      • Synchronous classes: Conversations during breakout sessions or jamboard discussions.
      • Asynchronous classes: YouTube comments section.
    • With Kineto, the timeline of communication is linked to the timeline of the class video, rather than the physical timeline.
  • Elastic Synchronization: Synchronizing people who were not originally synchronized by manipulating the playback speed, similar to Kineto.

    • When the timeline of communication is disconnected from the physical timeline through pseudo-synchronization, bidirectional communication becomes impossible.
      • Each student’s timeline of communication is linked differently to the physical timeline.
    • However, thanks to being disconnected from the physical timeline, it becomes possible to change the playback speed.
    • Therefore, by adjusting the playback speed, the timeline of communication among students can be partially connected.