• https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2020/10640/

    • About the new cursor on the iPad
    • The regular cursor is very precise, which may seem like a good thing, but it actually has many drawbacks.
    • iPadOS intentionally reduces the precision of the cursor.
      • When the cursor is on a button, the minimum movement unit changes from 1 pixel to 1 button.
      • This helps eliminate mis-clicks.
    • Improving the user interface by not providing more precision than necessary.
      • For example, when there are a few lines of text, the required precision is at the line level.
    • Adaptive Precision
  • Previously, the style was to move the cursor in pixel units and something would happen when clicked.

    • On the iPad, the cursor shows its future position when it is hovered over.
    • More WYSIWYG-like.
  • There is also a sense of pseudo haptic feedback.

  • I realized that the sensation when scrolling in a spreadsheet is similar to this (blu3mo).

    • However, it might be a bit difficult to use because there is no feature to visualize movements that are below the precision of the iPad’s cursor.

  • The mouse cursor may seem to be linked to hand movements, but fundamentally it may be linked to eye movements.