data:text/html, {Write HTML}

  • If you enter this into the URL bar of a browser, the content of the HTML will be displayed.
    • Interesting (blu3mo)
    • I wonder if there’s something else we can do.
      • Can we create a hierarchical website by packing all the information into the first URL? (paraphrased) url
<a href="data:text/html, page 1">one</a><br>
    - Hmm, it doesn't work well in Chrome (blu3mo)
    - How about using a script?


   <p onclick="location.href='data:text/html, page 1'">one</a><br>
    - No good~ (blu3mo)
        - The browser blocks transitioning to data:text/html (blu3mo)
    - It seems like there are no loopholes due to phishing prevention measures (blu3mo)
    - Even before security, could it be because it's not HTML? (takker)
        - It's just a regular HTML tag
        - It might be loaded properly if it's properly enclosed in `<html>` and `<body>`
  • For example, if you copy and paste the following into the URL bar, basi’s website will be displayed (without CSS)
    • If you convert CSS and other external resources into data URLs, they might be loaded (takker)
      • +1 (blu3mo)
    • However, it might exceed the maximum character limit of a URL
      • Surprisingly, Chrome seems to be fine with it (even if it exceeds the character limit, it can be read by pasting) (blu3mo)
      • Wow, that’s amazing (takker) url

## Introduction

In this document, we will be discussing the process of translating a markdown document to English. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that is commonly used for formatting and structuring text documents. It is often used for creating documentation, writing blog posts, and even for writing code documentation.

## Steps to Translate Markdown to English

1. Read and Understand the Markdown Document: The first step in translating a markdown document is to carefully read and understand the content. This will help you get a clear understanding of the document's structure and content.

2. Identify the Markdown Syntax: Markdown has its own syntax for formatting text. It uses special characters and symbols to indicate headings, lists, links, and other formatting elements. Identify these syntax elements in the document so that you can accurately translate them.

3. Translate the Content: Once you have identified the markdown syntax, you can start translating the content. It is important to ensure that the translation is accurate and conveys the same meaning as the original document.

4. Paraphrase if Necessary: While translating, you may come across sentences or phrases that do not flow naturally in English. In such cases, you can paraphrase the text to make it more understandable and natural. However, it is important to retain the original meaning of the text.

5. Maintain Links and References: Markdown documents often contain links and references to other documents or web pages. It is important to maintain these links and references while translating the document. Ensure that the translated links are accurate and point to the correct resources.

6. Proofread and Edit: After translating the content, it is important to proofread and edit the document. Check for any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or inconsistencies in the translated text. Make necessary corrections to ensure that the document is accurate and well-written.

7. Format the Document: Once the translation is complete, format the document to make it visually appealing and easy to read. Use appropriate headings, lists, and other formatting elements to structure the content. Ensure that the translated document follows the same structure as the original markdown document.

## Conclusion

Translating a markdown document to English requires careful reading, understanding of markdown syntax, accurate translation, and maintaining links and references. By following the steps mentioned in this document, you can effectively translate a markdown document to English while retaining the original meaning and structure.