• Applies to cases like NoSQL.

    • In the CAP theorem, it refers to the state of having both A and P.
  • The opposite of ACID Properties in Relational Databases? (Genius naming)

  • Even if a part of the system goes down, the overall system keeps running.

  • The system’s data is constantly changing. Eventual Consistency

  • As long as consistency is eventually guaranteed, it’s okay (loose consistency).

    • In cases where strong consistency is required (like ACID Properties), the value read after a write is always updated.
    • In Eventual Consistency, this is not the case.
    • It’s okay to have a lag between a write and the update of the read value.
  • Quorum”: a technique used in NoSQL and other distributed systems to maintain consistency of processing.

    • It aims to avoid Write-Write conflicts (where one is overwritten) and Read-Write conflicts (where incorrect data is read).
    • By simultaneously reading/writing to multiple replicas, it becomes safer.
      • Specifically,
        • Avoiding Write-Write conflicts: w > n/2
        • Avoiding Read-Write conflicts: r > n-2
        • (n: total number of replicas, w: number of replicas writing simultaneously, r: number of replicas reading simultaneously)
      • There are conditions like these.