• I want to write down the recent changes in my perspective on life.

    • First, I want to write down everything in my mind and then break it down.
  • I’ve been thinking about various things since my return to Japan in the summer of 2023, and I’m thinking about how I want to live in the future.

Talking about stoicism:

  • The feeling that I could do more if I used my abilities more.

    • For example, during my stay in Japan in the summer of 2023, I felt like I used up all my energy every day and didn’t have time to watch YouTube or feel the need to.
    • Even in my everyday life in the US, I feel like I could achieve more if I lived a bit more stoically.
    • For example, I haven’t been doing things like “Google Calendar Full Registration Todo Management” because I thought it would be too restrictive and tiring, but now I feel like I want to push myself more without making such excuses (blu3mo).
  • At least for my current self, the excuse of “not having enough time” doesn’t hold true anymore, I realized this when I saw people who have their calendars packed with work.

  • I want to achieve this in an environmental responsibility way.

  • Specifically, what am I aiming for?

Talking about things beyond personal capabilities:

The feeling of “I could do more” that I felt after talking to people during my return to Japan in the summer of 2023 is the motivation behind the above two points.

  • I think this is a very good motivation, so I want to maintain it.
  • (Well, this is a tautology because it’s just saying “I think what I currently think is good.“)

For the past year and a half, I have had the mindset of No Need to Rush, Knowing What is Enough, Moderate Ambition and Resignation, but my thoughts shifted towards stoicism during my return to Japan in the summer of 2023.

  • I’m curious whether this is temporary or if I will lean towards this mindset in the future.
  • Well, whatever happens, happens.