• Let’s think about the community/circle and how they are connected and overlap.

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    • I tried to draw a Venn diagram but felt the limitations of a two-dimensional representation.
  • In the community of Japanese students interested in information science, it feels like you can see the whole picture of the community.

    • I wonder how it is in English-speaking countries?
    • (nishio) I don’t think individuals can determine whether they can see the whole picture or not, haha.
      • Well, it’s just a feeling, haha. (blu3mo)
        • Recently, even in newly joined communities, there are usually a few people that I know, so I felt like I can see where information science students gather, more or less. (blu3mo)
        • But come to think of it, isn’t it because the “newly joined communities” are already close to me, so it’s not a valid basis? (blu3mo)
      • Recently, the Unity Inter High community became a topic among the mentors of the Mito Jr program.
        • Is there a community for contests? (blu3mo)
      • The Security Camp community is another example.
      • I wonder if the JOI community is included in the competitive programming community?
        • That’s the impression I had, but I don’t know what the competitive programming clubs at schools like Kaisei and Tsukuba are like. (blu3mo)
      • The CSAJ U22 Programming Contest doesn’t seem to have a strong community presence. However, there are often impressive individuals who have been selected in the past based on their achievements.