【High School / IB Students Only】IB Symposium - Asking Graduates of the DP! - Scheduled for June 26th | HLAB | Service Site

  • It seems like there will be a discussion (blu3mo)

[About Part 1: BOR] Theme: Study Methods/Advice for Each Subject [20 minutes] The two of us will be in charge of the BOR for “Language” (mainly Japanese). The ratio of high school students to us will be 2:4.

[About Part 2: Panel Discussion] Theme: DP from the Perspective of Overseas University Entrance Exam Takers [20 minutes] I will be the moderator and we will have a panel discussion. There will be three topics, and we will discuss them while hearing the opinions of the two of us. The last 5 minutes will be for Q&A from the audience. There will be around 30 viewers, mostly parents.

[About Part 3: BOR] Theme: Advice for Domestic and International Entrance Exams [30 minutes] The two of us will be in charge of the BOR for “Overseas University Entrance Exams (US and UK)“. The ratio of high school students to us will be 2:3.

  • It’s not necessary to be bound by the theme
  • US universities
    • In my high school, both IB grades and a 5-point scale evaluation were given
    • I registered the 5-point scale evaluation as my school grades and also sent the predicted IB grades to my teachers
    • Getting the IB grades is definitely a plus, but if you have another GPA, it’s good to have a balance there


  • Doing it again
  • IB study methods
    • Very obvious: Take classes seriously
      • Make sure that the abilities required in IB actually grow in your daily classes
      • Learn things like different ways of thinking and interpretation through discussions in class
      • In subjects like History and language, engage in a feedback loop by receiving feedback on written analyses from teachers
  • Balancing IB and overseas university entrance exams
    • It’s tough when exams like SAT and TOEFL overlap with the heavy periods of IB
      • SAT in October
    • October
  • What I like and find challenging about IB
    • There are a lot of assignments
      • Well, that’s how university is too
    • Overall, it’s about metacognition and thinking about ways of thinking
      • TOK