• I studied Rails and I have an idea of creating a web service.

  • In short, it’s a website where you can do something like horse racing within a communityimage

  • Flow:

  • Someone starts a community (e.g. AtCoder Community)

    • The community has fictional points (Currency) within the group.
    • Members can create events (e.g. “Who will win AGC044?“)
      • There are multiple options, and community members can bet their community currency on them.
      • The odds for options with more bets decrease.
      • Essentially, it’s like a bookmaker.
  • Use cases:

    • AtCoder Community
      • e.g. Who will win the next AGC?
    • School community
      • e.g. Who will rank first on the next test? (There are ethical issues)
      • e.g. Which class will have the highest sales at the school festival?
    • Soccer community
      • e.g. Which country will win the World Cup?
  • This works because points (currency) circulate within a single community. It’s difficult to give value when crossing multiple communities.

    • Motivation for points can be achieved through presentation and leaderboards, etc.
  • Pros:

    • If it spreads within a community, it can work even with a small number of total users.
      • => Even if it doesn’t spread widely, I would be happy if it is used in a certain community.
  • Cons / Challenges:

    • The service cannot succeed unless people feel the value of points.
    • Negative image associated with gambling.

#gambling #Might implement