Thoughts after attending the Study Abroad Graduate School Information Session 20220712:

  • @blu3mo: I heard about studying abroad in graduate school.
  • Initially, I didn’t know about the route of going directly to a Ph.D. after graduating from undergraduate school, so I was surprised.
  • @blu3mo: I do have a strong desire to pursue academia, but I’m also feeling whether I should continue swimming in this competitive society… Just writing down my thoughts.
  • If I want to have a better environment in pursuing a career as a researcher, I think aiming for a top CS school in the United States is the way to go.
    • Well, maybe if I just continue with the inertia, I think I’ll be doing that in four years.
    • However, I kind of feel like, well, maybe it’s because I just took the entrance exam for American universities, but do I want to keep repeating this kind of thing in my life…?
      • I wonder what “this kind of thing” refers to? (blu3mo)
    • I think the effort to achieve that would be enjoyable, and I probably would naturally engage in research/internships from undergraduate school even without career pressure (which I’m actually doing now), but I’m a little taken aback by the career pressure (?) involved in it.
      • Well, if there is alignment between career pressure and what I want to do, I also feel somewhat happy about it.
    • So, what should I do then?

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  • “If you don’t have money, you should study abroad instead.” Better than Japan. image image #Humanities#liberalarts

  • The hassle of visas may not be a problem if you go to a graduate school in Japan, but compared to that, I think it’s not a big deal because there are literally the top students and professors from around the world, and the number of students per professor is small, so the guidance is thorough, and as a doctoral student, you receive a salary and gain information and connections that cannot be obtained in Japan.