
  • I bought this at a store when I went to Stanford in 2019 America.
  • It’s not just a sample collection.
    • It includes explanations of each good point and explanations of important points by the admission office.
    • I really want to read it properly.
      • In fact, you should definitely read it! (I have it!)
  • For every open slot at Stanford, there are about 20 eager applicants, and you’re one of them.

    • First line.
    • I suddenly became anxious when I saw this. Haha.
      • It’s different to hear that it’s 5% and to hear that it’s 1 out of 20, and it’s also realistic and makes me anxious to hear that there are 19 other applicants.
  • It’s not a “writing test”, it’s a “thinking test.”

    • I see.
    • I had the image of sculpting and submitting an episode, like kneading clay.
    • Maybe it’s more like a paper that requires more thinking.
      • If that’s the case, I’m a little relieved. (I think I can do it better than sculpting.)
  • 25 Failures
    • The gimmick doesn’t really matter.