@blu3mo: I have a problem where I can’t remember people’s names. The other person knows my name, but I don’t know theirs, and it happens frequently. I feel really sorry about it.

  • I want to consider the possibility of prosopagnosia.

  • It didn’t happen much in GKA.

  • I felt it a little during the gap term, but it has become stronger since coming to the United States.

    • Maybe it’s because I’m meeting a lot of people..?
      • No, there are many cases where it’s asymmetrical (the other person knows me, but I don’t know them).
        • But is it difficult for me to recognize the opposite case (the other person doesn’t know me)?
    • Human individual identification is not only based on facial recognition but also on various information such as voice, clothing, physique, and behavior. Even if there is a impairment in facial recognition, compensation is made through other functions, so it is believed that there are many people who are not aware of prosopagnosia and are not hindered in their daily lives.

      • Is it because I haven’t learned methods of individual identification based on elements other than faces in the United States that this problem has surfaced?
  • Is there any way to verify something?

    • Or rather, it’s a fact that I’m not good at it and I’m struggling with it.
  • The main point is whether there is something that can be improved through effort or ingenuity.

    • Am I not making enough effort to remember names compared to others, or do I simply lack the ability to remember?

    • Is there any way to test it?

    • Since I’m not good at remembering names, I started telling people that I will hear their name a few times during self-introductions, so I no longer feel guilty about asking for their name again. And for people I’m getting along with but can’t remember their names quickly (people I want to remember but can’t), I started taking notes in Scrapbox. (rickshinmi)

    • Even though I’m a teacher, I’m not good at remembering people’s names. But I remember their stories, and I can assess what each child can and cannot do, so it didn’t affect my instruction much. It’s not a problem during whole-class instruction because there is a seating chart. If I meet them for a few months, I will eventually remember their names. (kawahiii)

      • Can you recall their stories when you see their faces? Can you not remember their stories either? Is there a problem in communication? What kind of problems are there? Can they be supplemented with external devices like a seating chart? (kawahiii)