Summary of Asymmetric Reality of Language

Asymmetric Chat is a prototype that artificially creates asymmetry in language communication. It is an interactive installation that allows users to experience this “asymmetry of language.” On the website, two users’ screens are displayed, and they chat with each other. However, the words sent by one user are converted to a different topic by GPT-4 before reaching the other user. So, while one may be talking about coffee, the other might receive it as a discussion about architecture.




People who saw tweets came up with various interesting examples:

  • Comedic, funny examples:
    • US military base vs. women’s restroom
    • VR vs. spiritual/psychic world
    • Love reality vs. VR
    • Dragon vs. tax return
  • Serious, intriguing examples:
    • Comparison between “human” and “enemy”
  • Discussion on “Reality is truth vs. Reality is god”
  • Miscellaneous examples like converting university names between departments and buildings, anime character transformations, and attempts with specific topics like mushrooms where GPT-4 lacked knowledge.

Research on asym-chat

English examples: image

Below is the initial prototype:

Example: chat

Haru: Hey, have you tried the new coffee blend recently? (Have you tried the new Pocky flavor recently?)
Mayu: Yeah, the espresso and caramel blend, right? Surprisingly sweet and delicious. (The mint chocolate flavor, right? Surprisingly refreshing and tasty.)
Haru: Exactly, that one! But I still prefer the classic Americano. (Exactly, that one! But I still prefer the classic strawberry flavor the most.)
```Mayu: Americano is nice too, right? I personally like cafe latte. The smoothness of the milk is enjoyable. (Strawberry is nice too, right? I personally like almond crush. The texture is enjoyable.)

Haru: Oh, that sounds good too. Why are there so many different blends of coffee, I wonder? (Oh, that sounds good too. Why are there so many different flavors of Pocky, I wonder?)

Mayu: Maybe it's to cater to various people's preferences? And every time a new blend comes out, it becomes a topic of conversation. (Maybe it's to cater to various people's preferences? And every time a new flavor comes out, it becomes a topic of conversation.)

Haru: Definitely. There are even days dedicated to coffee, and new blends are released on those occasions. (Definitely. There are even Pocky days, and new flavors are released on those occasions.)

Mayu: Yes, it's International Coffee Day, right? Was it on September 29th? It's nice to try a new blend on a day celebrating coffee. (Yes, it's on November 11th. Because the stick-shaped Pocky resembles the number 1.)

Haru: That's right. But coffee has become more than just a beverage, it's like a culture now. (That's right. But Pocky has become more than just a snack, it's like a culture now.)

Mayu: I really think so too. Enjoying coffee and the importance placed on communication through it. (I really think so too. The joy of sharing snacks and the importance placed on communication through it.)

Haru: Yeah, that's why everyone loves coffee, I guess. So, what blend are you going to try next International Coffee Day? (Yeah, that's why everyone loves Pocky, I guess. So, what flavor are you going to try next Pocky Day?)

Mayu: Hmm, I hope there's some unique new blend to try. Looking forward to it! (Hmm, I hope there's some unique new flavor to try. Exciting!)