• Land

    • Chemical Gas
      • Chlorine yellowish gas was used.
      • It damages the respiratory system.
      • The gas was not stable and could harm the attackers themselves if the wind changed.
      • Gas masks were invented to protect against it.
    • Machine Gun
      • The first version had many limitations.
      • It required 4+ people to operate because it was heavy and produced heat.
      • Improvements were made to reduce recoil and make it easier to transport.
      • Both nations effectively used machine guns, so their impact canceled each other out.
  • Air

    • Air Forces were also used in the war. The technologies related to the Air Force developed significantly during WW1, and various technologies were used for military purposes for the first time.
    • One of these technologies was the “Zeppelin,” an airship developed in Germany. It allowed Germany to directly attack inaccessible lands. WW1 was the first war with large-scale use of aircraft, and various technologies were developed for military aircraft use. For example, the German military faced a problem where propellers blocked bullets fired from machine guns, so Machine Gun Synchronization technology was developed as a solution. Initially, both airships and aircraft were used for reconnaissance missions, but eventually, they were used for offensive purposes such as bombing and dogfights.
    • However, most Air Force technologies were still in the development phase and had issues. Therefore, their impact on the outcome of the war was not as significant compared to land and sea technologies. Germany attempted bombing attacks on London using Zeppelins several times, but they were vulnerable to bombing attacks and weather conditions. Although they did succeed in bombing some sites in the UK, the attacks were not consistent.
    • In conclusion, aircraft technology did develop significantly during WW1, but since they were still in the development stage, their overall impact was not as large.
  • Sea

    • Sea technology played an important role for Britain and Germany.
    • U-boat
      • Submarines, also known as U-boats, were used.
      • Even small U-boats were able to sink three British cruisers, making battleships vulnerable.
      • Submarines and counter-submarine technologies were developed during the war.
      • Britain successfully countered submarines in the Battle of Jutland, which prompted further development by Germany.
    • Blockade
      • Navy technologies were developed for the blockade.
      • Britain implemented a blockade that prevented trade with Germany from 1914 to 1919.
        • They patrolled the northern sea and intercepted merchant ships.
      • Germany heavily relied on imports, so the blockade caused shortages of fuel and food.
      • Over 700,000 Germans died from starvation or disease.
      • The heavy damage to civilians played a significant role in Germany’s surrender.
  • Conclusion

    • Counter-technologies were mostly developed, which often canceled each other out.
    • Many technologies, including air forces, were still in the development stage.
    • The sea blockade was particularly effective.