Competitive Programming

  • I will write about general insights on competitive programming in the section above.

  • I started doing competitive programming around the beginning of 2019.

    • I saw it on Twitter and got interested. Since I had a long break due to the flu, I decided to give it a try.
    • I had an interview with Edmodo coming up, and I was worried about coding interviews. So I thought it would be good to practice.
      • (In reality, it wasn’t necessary, but I did it anyway.)
    • I participated in a few ABC contests with my father using Ruby for a few months.
    • After that, I got bored and stopped (probably because I got stuck at problem 399).
  • Towards the end of 2019, I got interested in competitive programming again.

    • As usual, I saw it on my Twitter timeline.
    • There was a small gap, but I quickly got back into it.
    • Along the way, I thought it would be nice to participate in JOI and other competitions, so I switched to C++.
  • Things I realized:

    • I feel the overwhelming talent of people of my generation.
      • I had a vague sense of it before, but now I can actually see it through the rating system.
      • It’s amazing to see people of the same generation solving problems that I struggle with for hours in just a few minutes.
    • In programs like “Master of Information Science,” there are people with overwhelming talent in the same group.