• en: Any sufficiently advanced X is indistinguishable from Y.

  • original:

  • It’s an interesting way of thinking.

    • “Thought type” (a word that came up with a mistranslation)
  • If we express it in a mathematical way, it means that when the parameter (development level) of X approaches infinity, X approaches Y.

    • Assuming that X “develops” as t increases:
      • As t approaches infinity, X(t) approaches Y.
    • It’s not that X becomes Y, but rather that X is indistinguishable from Y.
    • (The arrow represents the concept of a limit, I hope I’m using it correctly)
  • The definition of “sufficient” is unclear.

    • image
    • Is this the image of “sufficient” in mathematics?

The following is a derivative work.

  • A sufficiently advanced notebook is indistinguishable from a textbook.

  • @axokxi August 15, 2020

    • I feel like this is incorrect.
    • Rather, I think it’s more like “The set of sufficiently advanced notebooks = Ideal knowledge of oneself ∩ Knowledge not found in textbooks”.
      • A notebook is what remains when you remove what is written in textbooks from the ideal knowledge you have.
      • (Ignoring the role of Note’s second definition)
  • A sufficiently advanced Google search is indistinguishable from my own knowledge.

    • If knowledge can be obtained unconsciously and quickly by searching, it could be called “my own knowledge”.
    • It’s getting closer to Googling, I suppose.
  • Highly developed friendship is indistinguishable from romance.

    • There seems to be a webcomic about that.
  • I happened to come across this (tkgshn)