• Globe’s footage

  • I made a documentary film for a school project.

  • The theme was the disappearing “effort” due to technology.

  • I interviewed iPhonegraphers and record store owners, among others.

  • The discussion focused on not mistaking “effort” for “essence” and valuing the essence.

  • Production

    • Due to lack of time, there were some compromises.
    • Ideally, I wanted the film to have a visual effect of two films flowing together.
    • When I watch TV footage from an editing perspective, I think it’s amazing.
  • Team management

    • It was my first time in a leadership position.
    • I ended up doing a lot of the editing work.
      • Editing cannot be divided, so it couldn’t be helped.
    • But I tried my best to distribute the workload.
      • Selecting materials, transcribing subtitles, etc.
    • Being a leader is tough. I felt that.
    • The team members generally follow my lead, which is something I’m not used to.
    • Making decisions requires a lot of energy.
  • The impact of editing and processing on the footage is something that we can only understand by making our own films.

    • It’s like media literacy.

#things I learned