@blu3mo: I tried it, some adjustments are needed but the direction is right and I’m impressed. imageimage imageimage

  • Recipe (for two servings):

    • Making the soup:
      • First, sauté the spices in oil.
      • Next, add water and heavy cream and wait for it to boil.
        • I think it was about 2 cups of water and 1 cup of heavy cream.
        • I also added about 0.7 tablespoons of chicken soup base.
        • It was a bit watery at first, but it thickened nicely as I simmered and reduced the liquid.
      • Then, add the following:
        • About half of the bottle of white sesame paste (Zhima Jiang) shown in the photo above.
        • 2 pieces of curry roux, powdered.
        • 1 tablespoon of noodle soup base.
      • Adjust the taste while simmering.
    • Meat miso:
      • It’s not normally included, but I made it because it’s boring without any ingredients.
      • I followed the recipe from https://macaro-ni.jp/49114 for the most part.
      • I also added finely chopped onions.
    • Noodles:
      • Boiled fettuccine pasta.
    • Serve and garnish with finely chopped cilantro.
  • Impressions:

    • Appearance:
      • The soup is much lighter compared to the real thing.
      • imageimage
    • Taste:
      • The direction/vector is correct.
        • Impressive (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
      • However, I thought the real thing had about twice as much curry flavor.
      • This version feels more like “Curry & Chinese-flavored White Sesame Soup.”
      • The real thing has more of a curry taste.
    • Experience:
      • It makes you sweat a lot and your stomach feels heavy after eating, just like the real thing (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
  • Improvements:

    • Maybe use a bit less sesame paste?
      • But it’s important as the base flavor.
    • Should I use the spices used in Laksa and Khao Soi, since Japanese curry roux is not available?
    • It seems like a bit more curry spice would be good.
    • The amount of Chinese spices seems to be about right.
      • If I want to aim for a perfect reproduction, I might want to try whole spices for the chili peppers, but it probably won’t make much difference if they’re chopped.
    • What else should I add?
      • I want to explore various Chinese spices and curry spices.
      • I also want to go eat the real thing again and do some research.