• I feel like I created a page for something before.
  • I’m thinking of aiming for a UIST Poster.
    • It seems unlikely that I will write two full papers for CHI.
  • It’s difficult that it’s different from considering ParallelTalk as a product.
  • Things that seem doable as research:
  • I want to summarize what I want to do for 1 and 2 (= ParallelTalk) in one paper.
    • What to create:
      • Voice communication?
      • Working environment?
        • Being able to draw pictures, for example.
      • VR?
      • I want to create a communication tool that focuses on “synchronicity” and aims for a way of time sharing between synchronization and asynchronization.
    • What to verify, i.e. What is the claim?
  • I want to do something like this: