• Update About Myself in 2023 based on About Myself 2021.

  • Things to do:

    • Summarize my current interests from Things I’m Interested In in a way that is easily understandable to others.
      • Compared to a year ago, my understanding has deepened significantly as I have done various self-analyses in essays and such. I want to compile and present this.
    • Write an English version.
      • This is necessary as a page to showcase who I am.
    • Avoid directly referring to other Scrapbox pages.
  • 20220821:

    • I need to start sketching it out soon before 2022 ends.
    • Let’s create the English version first as I urgently need it.
      • Since I’m at it, maybe I should try creating it with something like Craft.
      • I thought about creating /blu3mo-en for doing Scrapbox-like activities, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be on Scrapbox.
        • Well, I considered Notion, Craft, and others, but they all cost money so I’ll pass for now.
  • 20230110:

  • I need to urgently update my CV and LinkedIn, so I’ll prioritize that.

  • My portfolio site