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  • Proslogion - Wikipedia
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  • Proslogion is one of Anselm’s main works, meaning “dialogue”. It was written in 1078. Also known as “Dialogue on the Existence of God” (Alloquium de Dei existentia). It is a further development of the “Monologion” and focuses on the ontological proof of God’s existence. It attempts to provide a single proof that is sufficient and serves as the basis for all other proofs. We believe in the existence of God and believe that we cannot conceive of anything greater than God. Even fools have a concept of the greatest possible being that can exist. Based on this premise, Anselm argues as follows: God is that than which nothing greater can be conceived. Now, that than which nothing greater can be conceived must have existence, not just as a concept, but in reality. Therefore, God exists. If God did not exist, we would not be able to conceive of God. Gaunilo attempted to refute this argument by stating that the concept of an ideal island of happiness does not guarantee its existence. Anselm distinguishes between the concept of God and the concept of the island of happiness in terms of complete existence and counters Gaunilo’s objection. Bonaventure, Duns Scotus, Descartes, Leibniz, and Rosmini, among others, support Anselm’s proof in some form, but Thomas Aquinas denies it.